
Boost Your Confidence With Botox

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Boost Your Confidence With Botox

It’s tough to walk around with your head held high when wrinkles make you look older than you feel. Alas, the signs of aging come for everyone — no matter how well you care for your skin over the years. 

Fortunately, there’s a simple, minimally invasive way to turn back the hands of time and give you an injection of confidence. 

Madhis Pedram, BSN, RN, and our Artem Med Spa team in La Jolla, California, specialize in bringing your aesthetic back from the brink of aging. We accomplish this with advanced services and treatments, from unwanted hair removal to medically supervised weight loss. 

Botox® —  one of our most popular treatments — has become a household name since receiving FDA approval in 2002, but many still don’t know just how powerful the injections can be. 

Here, we highlight some reasons our patients love Botox and keep returning for more. 

Know thy enemy

Wrinkles are one of the first signs of aging to appear, but instead of getting frustrated about them, it’s time to understand exactly where they’re coming from and then take steps to neutralize them. 

In your younger years, your skin had abundant essential proteins like collagen and elastin. These proteins hold your skin up and keep it looking soft and supple. 

Time, sun damage, and even environmental aggressors cause your skin to lose these internal structures, dry out, and become more fragile. They also make your skin much more susceptible to dynamic wrinkles. 

Dynamic wrinkles show up due to repetitive movements and muscle contractions (mainly around the places on your face that see the most action, like your eyes, forehead, and mouth). 

You probably couldn’t count how many times you’ve smiled, frowned, or made a face. Young skin can handle those repeated facial expressions, but older, less elastic skin doesn’t bounce back quite as quickly (if at all). 

Enter Botox. 

Your knight in shining armor

When dynamic wrinkles are the problem, you need help making fewer movements that cause pesky lines to appear. And Botox does just that. 

Botox is the brand name of a toxin formed from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. In large doses, it can cause an illness called botulism (food poisoning), but when administered by an expert like Madhis Pedram, it's a wrinkle-fighting superhero. 

When we inject Botox into the skin on your face, the solution prevents your facial muscles from contracting and causing wrinkles to appear. The less your face moves, the fewer wrinkles show up and the less noticeable they are when they do. 

We recommend Botox injections for the following:

  • Lines between your eyebrows
  • Crow’s feet
  • Lip lines
  • Forehead lines
  • Creases that form in the skin on your neck

There’s no wrong time to start getting Botox. In fact, more and more 20-30 year olds are coming in for injections as a preventive measure. 

What to expect

Botox injections are simple and low-risk. Most of our patients are in and out of our office in minutes. Results develop over a few days to a week and can last for months if you care for your skin, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and avoid excessive sun exposure. And, because we’re experts, you can rest assured that your results will look natural. 

Depending on your treatment goals and the severity of your wrinkles, we may recommend receiving a series of touch-up injections. 

Have more questions about what Botox can do for you? Don’t hesitate to schedule a Botox consultation with our team online or over the phone.